Full-stack developer, cybersecurity researcher, CTFer @r3kapig
因为放假了时间多了起来,难得专注的跟 r3kapig 的师傅们一起打了个比赛,最后拿到了第二,不少题目都很有意思,复盘记录一下。 web task manager 题目有点原型链污染的味
Background The challenge implements a language called Hyper Text Programming Language, which defined some tags and compiles them into javascript to make html could do real computation.
Solution First we noticed that the HTPL code we wrote renders via innerHTML, but the strict CSP makes it unexploitable.
So let’s turn to the HTPL part. The HTPL code’s compilation is based on ast, which supports only a few nodes: io, array, function, literals, binary and unary operators, assignments and control flows.
之前在 wsl 上面安装了 n2n,但是因为 wsl 上面没有 systemd,导致了安装失败。在卸载的时候又提示: ➜ sudo dpkg -r n2n (Reading database ... 110162 files and directories currently installed.) Removing n2n (3.0.0-1038) ... System has not been
frida 是一个非常强大的 hook 框架,多平台通吃,这篇文章演示一下 iOS 平台简单的内购破解。 思路 简单来说每次内购都会在 SKPaymentQueue 中 push 一个 SKPaymentTransaction 用来记录当前这次内购的基本
之前设置了 UptimeRobot 来监控服务器的运行情况,但是这样会在 nginx 下面留下大量的轮询 log 记录,想到之前设置的 crontab 会在每天 00:00 的时候把 log 文件从 /var/log/nginx 移动到 /var/lo
文件上传的题目很多都会对上传文件的后缀有限制,然后就不走 php 的解析了,这种情况下可以通过在项目文件夹下面创建配置文件的形式绕过。 .htaccess .htaccess(hypertext access) 文件在站